Our Core Values are the principles by which we function as a local assembly of Christ-followers and should shape all our gatherings, interactions, and ministry.
New Song and all its ministries are built upon the foundation of Jesus Christ. In everything we do, we must ask, “How is this pointing to Jesus?” and “How are we pointing others to Jesus?”
FIXING OUR EYES ON JESUS | As disciples of Jesus Christ, our worldview, behaviors, thoughts, and actions are centered in Jesus. Our constant aim, both when we gather corporately and in our day-to-day lives, is to “fix our eyes on Jesus” and, as we behold Him, to be transformed more into His image.
POINTING TO JESUS | We seek to glorify God with our behavior, in our corporate gatherings, and in our interactions with one another, that everything we say and do points others to Jesus and our lives demonstrate to the world that “there is another king—Jesus” (Acts 17:7). ■ Romans 8:28-29 | 2 Cor. 3:18 | 1 Cor. 3:11 | Hebrews 2:6-13 | Colossians 1:13-23 | John 1:35-37; 12:21 | Acts 17:6-7
Everything we are and do should conform to the unchanging truth of God’s Word.
AUTHORITATIVE | We believe the Bible to be the inspired, authoritative Word of God, and when rightly interpreted by the Holy Spirit, the infallible rule of faith and practice. ■ 2 Tim. 3:16 | 1 Peter 1:20-21
BELIEFS | We major in biblical essentials and seek a biblically-balanced expression of the way of Jesus as found in the full counsel of the Word of God. We hold to the historic teachings of Christian orthodoxy as expressed in the Apostles’ Creed and the Nicene Creed.
As followers of Jesus, we rely upon the anointing, guidance, and power of the Holy Spirit in our daily lives, gatherings, and ministries.
DEPENDENT ON THE SPIRIT | We recognize that without the Spirit’s enablement, we are powerless to fulfill the Great Commission. As a result, we recognize and welcome the gifts of the Holy Spirit in our meetings and personal lives, and we rely on the Holy Spirit to produce the fruit of the Spirit in our lives. We also affirm the five-fold ministry gifts given to the church. ■ Matt. 28:16-20 | Rom. 12:4-8 | 1 Cor. 12:8-10 | Eph. 4:11
GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT WITHOUT DISTINCTION | In the New Testament, the Holy Spirit was poured out on men and women, young and old. We recognize that the gifts of the Spirit are available to all, regardless of gender, age, or ethnicity. We honor and welcome the full expression of God’s Spirit, displayed through the diversity of His people. ■ Acts 2:17-21
FREEDOM AND ORDER IN THE SPIRIT | Recognizing that the Spirit of God works through individuals, we prioritize both freedom and order. We encourage freedom to operate in our spiritual gifts, while we also recognize that the Spirit of God is not disorderly and chaotic. ■ 1 Cor. 12-14
- Freedom to Encounter God: Our desire is that our corporate gatherings are a time where God’s Spirit can freely work through all the members of His body in a unified and orderly way for a full and rich expression of His heart; where we can learn to operate in the gifts of the Spirit to edify both those inside and out of the church.
We believe in the order of worship as revealed in the Tabernacle of David and restored to the church today. Worshipers are encouraged to freely demonstrate their adoration for our Lord Jesus through biblical expressions of worship including singing and shouting, playing instruments, raising and clapping of hands, dancing, standing, bowing, and kneeling or lying prostrate. ■ 2 Sam. 6:1 | 1 Chron. 13-16 | Psalm 150 | Acts 15:13-17 | Eph. 5:19 | Col. 3:16
However, with this freedom, we as a church body also have the responsibility to practice discernment and to weigh what is ministered by our brothers and sisters in Christ against the Word of God. If questions or concerns arise, we seek clarification directly from the person who shared or from the pastor. ■ 1 Cor. 14:26, 29
- Everything in Order: In our freedom in Christ, we also recognize that all things must be done “decently and in order” (1 Cor. 14:40). We affirm the importance of administration and delegated authority in our functioning as a local church body. Any desire to change or set the direction for a ministry or meeting should be first privately approved by the person with delegated authority to lead that meeting or department. ■ 1 Cor. 14:32-33
- Love in Freedom: Finally, our freedom in the Spirit does not provide us the right to infringe on others’ liberty, but the value of God’s love compels each of us to use our role to serve and seek the well-being of others. In our gatherings, we avoid distracting behavior or drawing attention to ourselves out of love for others and a desire that all present will be able to learn, worship, hear, and encounter God in their own way. ■ 1 Cor. 10:24 | Gal. 5:13-14
Our highest purpose is to love God, then to love one another and to demonstrate love in all we do.
LOVE AS THE MARK OF MATURITY | In non-essential doctrine and individual preferences in style, we choose love and unity over proving a point or insisting on being right. We assume the best of one another and extend the same kindness, mercy, and patience to our brothers and sisters in Christ which God has shown us. ■ Rom. 12:10 | Eph. 4:32 | John 17:21, 13:35 | Col. 3:12-14
SPIRITUAL FORMATION IN COMMUNITY | We believe that much of our spiritual formation occurs in the context of community. We choose to reject the hyper-individualism of our culture to grow as disciples of Jesus in relationship with our local church community. ■ Luke 10:27 | Matt. 18:20 | Heb. 10:25 | 1 Thess. 5:11 | Rom. 14:7 | 1 Cor. 10:16-17, 6:15, 12:12-31 | Eph. 4:25, 5:30 I Psalm 92:13-14
HONOR | God is not a respecter of persons, and we honor each individual in the church, from the youngest to the oldest, as a child of God, created in His image and with a unique calling, anointing, and spiritual gifting. ■ Acts 10:34
- In our speech: We endeavor to speak words which edify and encourage our brothers and sisters in Christ—both within and outside of our church—and acknowledge their God-given potential rather than criticizing any shortcomings or failures. We have no appetite for demeaning speech, negativity, bad attitudes, and all forms of gossip. ■ 1 Cor. 14:3 | Matt. 12:36, 25:40, 23:39 | Acts 9:4-5 | Rom. 12:10
- In Conflict Resolution: We do not publicly embarrass, correct, or criticize a brother or sister in Christ; rather, we follow biblical principles for conflict resolution according to Matthew 18:15-17. It is easy to leave; it is hard to stay. We will do the hard work to stay in relationship with our local body of Christ and leadership team at New Song, refusing to ignore problems or avoiding honestly and proactively addressing conflict with one another.
- In our Roles: We do not seek to infringe on another’s delegated sphere of authority within the functioning of the church. We affirm that God has established and works through authority, so we will submit to authority and walk in accountability to the authority under which God has put us. ■ 2 Cor. 10:13-15
OPEN AND HONEST | While we live in a world surrounded by unceasing needs, our aim is to serve God out of a “joyful, non-anxious spirit” in a way that is peaceful and harmonious with others—not agitated, hectic, or confused. We do not claim to be perfect, by any means; we acknowledge difficult times in living out our “Rule of Life”, but our commitment is to honesty and openness, asking for help when needed and living in humility and contriteness of heart (Psalms 51:17). We strive for vulnerability and transparency before God and our brothers and sisters in Christ. ■ 2 Cor. 6:11; 12:9-10